Rajagopal, V.Kasturi Bai, K.V.Ramadasan, A.Balasimha, D.Voleti, S.R.Patil, K.D.Sumathy Kutty Amma, B.Varkey, T.Mathew, A.S.Gopalakrishnan Nair, M.2014-09-042014-09-041986-05In: Extended Summaries, Workshop on Impact of Drought on Plantation Crops, CPCRI, Kasaragod, 26-27 May 1986 p-33-34http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/5332enLeaf Characteristics And Dry Matter Production In Coconut (WCT And CDO X T) Grown Under Conditions Of Low And High Drought IntensitiesArticle