Manjunath, B.L.Ramesh, R.Korikanthimath, V.S.2014-05-022014-05-022010Journal of Plantation Crops, 2010, 38 (3): 207-210 experiments were conducted at ICAR Research Complex for Goa for three years during 2005 to 2008 to study the feasibility of growing ramie (Boehmeria nivea (L.) Gaud) as intercrop in coconut. Three treatments that included comparison of sole ramie grown under open conditions, sole coconut and coconut + ramie intercropping system were studied in a Randomized Block Design with six replications. Although sole ramie grown under open conditions recorded significantly higher green (7,843 kg / ha / harvest) and fibre yield (243 kg / ha / harvest) over intercropping with coconut (6,747 kg / ha/ harvest and 210 kg / ha / harvest, respectively), the per unit productivity of green yield was still higher under intercropped situations (0.90 kg / m2/ harvest) over sole cropping (0.78 kg / m2 / harvest) indicating the potential of ramie for intercropping in coconut. An improvement in coconut productivity was observed during the experimental period over the pre-experimental period with an additional 11 nuts / palm / year indicating that the ramie intercropping has a positive influence on coconut yield. It was found that sole cropping of coconut is not much remunerative (Rs.14,830 / ha net returns) while pure cropping of ramie could lead to a net return of Rs. 57,120 / ha / year. However, intercropping of ramie in the interspaces of coconut could fetch a total net return of Rs.81,607 /ha, showing the prospects for intercropping of ramie in coconut in the agro-climatic condition of GoaenCoconuteconomicsfibre yieldgreen yieldIntercroppingramieFeasibility of ramie intercropping in coconutArticle