Josy Joseph2014-06-182014-06-182007-02In: Proceedings, PLACROSYM IV, CFTRI, Mysore, 3-5 Dec. 1981. Edited by S. Vishveshwara and others 1981 p-431-434 floral biology and the variation in flower characteristics like time taken from planting to the first flower, number of flowering flushes per year, nature of inflorescence, pigmentation in floral parts and structural abnormalities of the flower were studied in 97 plants belonging to 13 accessions of Cinnamomum verum Presl. planted during 1978. The floral biology showed that the flower opens and closes in two stages on two consecutive days. When the flower opens on the first day the stigma appears to be fresh and the anthers are not dihisced. After a few hours the flower closes and the same flower opens on the next day when the stigma shows signs of drying up and the anthers start dehiscing. In 61 plants, the fresh flower opened at noon and closed in the evening. They again opened on the next day morning and closed at noon. In the remaining 36 plants the fresh flower opened in the morning and closed at noon. They again opened next day noon and closed in the evening. Thus the flower appears to be adapted to cross pollination.enFloral biology and variation in cinnamonArticle