Thankamma Pillai, P.K.Vijayakumar, G.Nambiar, M.C.2014-06-182014-06-182007-02J.Plantn.Crops 1978 v-6 i-1 p-12-13 flowers of Zingiber officinale are trimerous, with an attractive labellum, a single fertile stamen, and an inferior ovary with many ovules on an axile placentum. The ovule is -anatropus and bitegmic. Meiosis was highly irregular. Only 37 % of the pollen grains was stainable in aceto-carmine. Maximum germination observed in an artificial medium was only 14.5 %.enFlowering behaviour, cytology, and pollen germination in ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.)Article