Ramanujam, B.Nambiar, K.K.N.Rohini Iyer2014-06-242014-06-242007-02In: 13th Plantation Crops Symposium, Coimbatore (16-18 December) 1998 p-363-367http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/3256Thirty two isolates of fungi belonging to 13 species were evaluated for their antagonistic effect on Thielaviopsis paradoxa by dual culture and antibiosis tests. Based on the percentage of inhibition, Gliocladium virens, Trichoderma harzianum, T. viride and T. hamatum were identified as potential antagonists of T. paradoxa. G. virens (Uduma), T. harzianum (Kallangai), T. viride (Calicut) and T. hamatum (Delhi) showed maximum inhibition of T. paradoxa in dual culture and in antibiosis tests. These four antagonists were tested on two other isolates of T. paradoxa (T.p-2 and T.p-3) as well. T. paradoxa lesion development on coconut petioles was inhibited by G. virens, T. harzianum, T. viride and T. hamatum by 69.9,66.9,63.4 and 57.7 per cent, respectively.enIdentification of potential antagonistic fungi for the biocontrol of thielaviopsisparadoxa causing stem bleeding disease of coconutArticle