George, M.V.Sannamarappa, M.2014-08-142014-08-141987In: Proceedings, PLACROSYM VI, RRII, Kottayam, 16-20 Dec. 1984. Edited by M. R. Sethuraj and others 1987 p-429-434 Fairfield Smith equation with standard notations Y = ax-8 and its generalisation in the form Y = ar-g1C-g2 was fitted to the uniformity trial data on turmeric collected from Hirehalli for two different directions with 24 beds of size 1 m x 12 m each. The directions were north-south and east-west. However, the fertility gradient was in the north-south direction. In both cases the plot sizes consisting of 3 beds of size lm x lm along the fertility gradient was found to be optimum.enUniformity Trial: Size, Shape And Direction Of Experimental Plots For TurmericArticle