Ambily PaulNandakumar, C.Hebsy Bai2014-05-082014-05-082009ENTOMON 34(2): 63-70(2009),63-70 neem based botanicals and synthetic chemical pesticides were evaluated against the coreid bug, Paradasynus rostratus Dist., a major pest of coconut in Kerala. In laboratory tests, neem seed oil - garlic emulsion 2% and profenophos 0.05% proved effective. Since the alternative hosts, guava, cashew, cocoa and neem in the multiple cropping system play an important role in population build up of the pest, the effect of applying selected treatments on these alternative hosts on the pest population in the coconut was evaluated in a fanner's field. Application of neem seed oil - garlic emulsion 2% + profenophos 0.025% on alternative hosts was the most effective in reducing the extent of P. rostratus infestation in the surrounding coconut palms.encoconutParadasynus rostratuspest managementManagement of coreid bug, Paradasynus rostratus Dist. on coconut palm in homesteads having mixed croppingArticle