Antony, J.Mariamma DanielChandy KurianPillai, G.B.2014-05-262014-05-262007-02-08In: Proceedings, PLACROSYM II, UPASI, Ootacamund, 26-29 Jun. 1979. Edited by C. S. Venkataram and others 445-454 Plank (1958) detected along the east coast of Africa Platymeris laevicollis Dist., a predaceous bug preying on natural populations of Oryctes monoceros Oliv , and O. boas F., which are pests on coconut palm in those regions. However, no such predator attacking and killing adults of O. rhinoceros L. has been recorded from India so far. Hence its predatory habits and alienity have been taken advantage of in a trial on its introduction and colonization against O. rhinoceros in India. Viable culture of the predator was obtained from different sources including its native home viz. Zanzibar. In an attempt to colonize, the predator under different agro-ecological conditions, laboratory bred bugs were released in large numbers on the crowns of palms at Pandalam (Kerala), Androth (Lakshadweep) and Vittal (Karnataka). At Pandalam where field release of the bugs was done from 1968-74, the live population of the beetles in the crownsof one hundred palms under release was observed to be comparatively less than that of the dead beetles collected from the palms on which the predators were released. Consequent on the decrease in population of the beetle and the corresponding dip in incidence of the pest on the crowns of palms the intensity of infestation on leaves and unopened inflorescence had also come down. In Androth Island these bugs were released on 200 palms which were very heavily infested by the beetle with a high population density (243 beetles on 155 palms) On the fifth day after the release of the predator 213 beetles were found fed on and killed by the bug whereas 45 beetles including the newcomers were alive. Indications of establishment of the bug were also noticed at Pandalam, and at Vittal, where the bugs are being released regularly from 1971 onwards. At Vittal the incidence of the beetle in the crown of palms and the consequent reduction of damage on the spindle and spa the continued to be comparatively less than the pre-release incidence. Release of the predator at Vittal Centre is being continued.enplatymeris laevicollisbiological suppressionrhinoceros beetleAttempts on introduction and colonization of the exotic reduviid predator, Platymeris laevicollis distant for the biological suppression of the coconut rhinoceros beetle Oryctes rhinoceros L.Article