Dhanapal, R.Yusuf, M.Bopaiah, M.G.2014-07-052014-07-052007-02In: Extended Summaries, Workshop on Impact of Droughton Plantation Crops, CPCRI, Kasaragod, 26-27 Mayl986 56-57http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/3720The study of moisture movement as a function of elapsed time was undertaken to determine the boundaries of the irrigated soil volume from a single point source of dripper with three quantities of irrigation water (Ql * 33%, Q2 « 66% and Q3 « 100% of daily E O) and four discharge rates (D^l, D2*s3rr D3*3 and D^ 4 lit/hr,) In laterite soil at CPCRI, Kasaragod* The horizontal and vertical soil moisture distribution was monitered by gravimetric method and also by excavating trenches after specified time.enMoisture Movement Studies in Drip IrrigationArticle