Mohapatra, A.R.Pillai, S.S.Bhat, N.T.Murthy, K.N.2014-07-092014-07-092007Reprinted from the Proceedings of the National Symposium on Plantation Crops cation exchange capacity of some Areca cuhivars at seedling stage was measured and its relationship with the morphological characters of plant and nutrient composition of leaf as well as root was evaluated. High CEC encouraged more concentration of phosphorus in plant tissue. The growth characters of seedlings were not significantly related to the root CEC. Although the ratio of monovalent to divalent ions showed certain treed with roct CEC which was in accordance with the Donnan s principle, the CEC was not related to the cation composition of leaf. Thus, the applicability cf CEC cf Areca roots as one of the indices for the selection of seedlings in the nursery appears to be unreliableenGrowth characters and mineral nutrient composition of arecanut seedlings as related to their cation exchange capacityArticle