Biju BabjanSudha Devi, K.Dangar, T.K.Sathiamma, B.Pillai, G.B.2014-06-102014-06-102007-02-08J.Plantn.Crops 1993 v-21 i-2 p-88-96 effect of baculovirus infection on the levels of sugars, proteins and aminoacids was studied in the haemolymph of third instar grubs of Oryctes rhinoceros. Baculovirus infected grubs maintained almost identical levels of total sugars as the healthy grubs at different stages of analysis. Total protein level was higher in the healthy grubs when compared to that in diseased ones, but reverse trend was observed in protease activity and amino acid levels. The dl4 post-infection was the critical phase at which drastic variations of the macromolecules occurred in the haemolymph.enEffect of baculovirus infection on carbohydrate, protein and amino acid levels, and protease activity in haemolymph of Oryctes rhinoceros grubsArticle