Radhakrishnan Nair, C.P.Nair, M.R.G.K.2014-05-272014-05-272007In: Proceedings, PLACROSYM V, CPCRI, Kasaragod, 15-18 Dec. 1982. Edited by K. V. A. Bavappa and others 1984 p-621-625http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/1834The biology, seasonal abundance, nature and spread of infestation, association with ants, and nature of damage caused by the cacao mealy bug Planacoccus lilacinus Ckll. (Homoptera: Pseudococddae) were studied. Life cycle of the female mealy bug was completed in 20 to 25 days and of male in 17 to 20 days. The peak period of infestation occurred during summer months, and with the onset of rains the population declined. There was significant positive correlation between temperature and pest incidence, and significant negative correlation between pest incidence and rainfall and relative humidity. The pest caused wilting of cherelles to an extent of 85.35 per cent, abortion of cushions, and stunted growth of seedlings. A new strategy for the control of the pest has been suggested.encocoa pestscocoa mealy bugplanococcus lilacinusBio-ecological studies on cacao mealy bug, Planococcus lilacinus Ckll.Article