Ramachander, P.R.Bavappa, K.V.A.2014-08-022014-08-021972Indian J.Genet.PI.Breed. 1972 v-32 i-1 p-73-76http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/4508Selection indices, genetic advance expected by selection based on them as . well as relative improvement over straight selection using 17 growth characters and 12 yield components taken as a single group and combination of certain of them in seven other groups were worked out. As against an expected genetic advance of 57-11 due to straight selection, the advance was 284*694 due to a selection index based on all the characters, a relative improvement of 498%. A simpler index using the number of leaves and height of the plant alone at the time of transplanting gave a relative improvement of 332%.enarecanutbreedingselectionSelection Index In ArecanutArticle