Acharya, G.C.Ray, D.P.Garanayak. L.M.2015-03-032015-03-032006-12Indian J. Hort. 63(4), December 2006 : 446-449 order to standardize the leaf sampling time in coconut, an attempt was made to study the seasonal variations of leaf macro- and micro-nutrient contents in Sakhigopal Local coconut under coastal tracts of Orissa. It was observed that the linearity for leaf N, P, K, Mg, S, Mn and Zn was found between December and February and the coefficients of variation for most of the nutrient elements (N, P, Ca, S, Fe and Mn) were lowest during December and except manganese (22.87%), the coefficient of variation was below 20 per cent. Hence in the present study, the best sampling time could be determined as December for coconut in littoral sandy soils of Orissa.encoconutLeaf samplingseasonal variationSakhigopal Localliitoral sandSeasonal variations in the mineral composition of coconut leavesArticle