Nambiar, C.K.B.Wahid, P.A.Pillai, N.G.2014-06-112014-06-112007-02-08In: Proceedings, PLACROSYM I, RRII, Kottayam, 20-23 Mar. 1978. Edited by E. V. Nelliat and others 1979 p-292-301 of coconut seedlings during the prebearing stage (5 years) to inorganic fertilisers and addition of organic matter in coastal sand was investigated at the Central Plantation Crops Research Institute, Kasaragod. Addition of organic matter, especially farmyard manure or green leaves in combination with inorganic fertilisers resulted in spectacular improvement of the vigour of the seedlings and enhanced their early establishment in the sand. Despite the porous nature of sand, fertiliser application helped to retain P and K. Organic matter content of sand was increased following continuous annual applications of organic manures for five years.enEffect of different organic sources on the performance of coconut seedlings in coastal sandArticle