Thamban, C.Mathew, A.C.Muralidharan, K.Subramanian, P.Vidhan Singh, T.Madhavan, K.2014-06-022014-06-022011Journal of Plantation Crops, 2011, 39 (1): 148-152 characteristics, extent of knowledge about integrated management of selected pest and diseases of coconut and technical efficiency of mechanical climbing devices were analysed in a study conducted among 87 coconut climbers in Kasaragod District. Matrix scoring, one of the Participatory Rural Appraisal tools, was employed to elicit data for the participatory assessment of the climbing devices. Among the climbers 22 per cent were illiterate, 57 per cent had primary school level of education, eight per cent were landless and 64 per cent were having only 10 to 50 cents of land holding. Only 14 per cent of the climbers used mechanical devices for climbing coconut palms. Seventy four per cent of the climbers attended to plant protection measures, mainly control measures for bud rot disease and rhinoceros beetle, apart form harvesting and crown cleaning. Except one climber, none of them had attended any training on PP measures in coconut. Majority of the climbers did not possess the required level of knowledge about the control measures recommended against bud rot disease and rhinoceros beetle infestation. The average time taken to set the device on the tree was more for the Chemberi Joseph model of climbing device but it took less time for climbing up the tree. CPCRI model was assessed better on the dimension of safety for the climber and simplicity in the design of the device. Chemberi Joseph model was assessed better on the dimensions of less drudgery involved in climbing, suitability for using under all weather situations and cost of the device.enSocio-economic profile characteristicscoconut climbing methodsparticipatory assessmentCoconut climbing methods and devices: A participatory analysis of constraints and strategiesArticle