Sampath Kumar, S.N.2014-06-132014-06-132007-02-08In: Proceedings,Silver Jubilee Symposium on Arecanut Research and Development, CPCRI (RS),Vittal. 13-14 Dec. 1982. Edited by K. Shama Bhat and C. P. Radhakrishnan Nair 1985 p-124-127 leaf stripe of arecanut caused by X. campestris pv. arecae is a serious % disease found affecting arecanut palms in the inland plains of Karnataka. For ensuring infection by the pathogen temperature, humidity and nutrients seem to have an important role. Certain specific cultural practices adopted in plantations were also found to be congenial for disease development and spread. Frequent irrigations (once in 5 to 10 days interval) was found to aggravate the disease. Higher levels of nitrogen and green matter were found to favour disease development. Phosphorus and potash did not seem to have any influence. Intercropping with banana was found to enhance disease intensity.enEpidemiology of bacterial leaf stripe disease of arecanut palm (Areca catechu L.) caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv arecae - II. Influence of management practices on the disease incidenceArticle