Mariamma Daniel2014-05-272014-05-272007-02-08J.Plantn.Crops 1976 v-4 i-1 p-7 -9 and predatory habits of the lady bird beetle Stethorus keralicus Kapur were studied. The beetle required 12-14 days to complete the life cycle from egg to adult. Eggs hatch out in 3 . 0-4- 0 days. The larvae moult three times in 5- 0-6- 0 days. The pupal stage is completed in 3 . 5-4-0 days. The adults and larvae feed on all stages of the host mite. An adult consumes 2-41-6-46 mites per hour during a period of 24 hours.enpalm mitebiologypredatory habitslady bird beetlestethorus keralicuscoconut pestsBiology and predatory habits of the lady bird beetle Stethorus keralicus Kapur (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), predatory on the palm miteArticle