Biddappa, C.C.Bopaiah, M.G.Kailasam, C.Shanavas, M.George, K.M.2014-06-112014-06-112007-02-08J.Plantn.Crops 1993 Suppl. v-21 p-41-46 profile, balance and input-output of nutrients over three block periods in an existing coconut fodder system under high rainfall condition of Kasaragod have been computed. Coconut-grass system enriched over control plot in organic carbon, nitrogen, manganese and copper in the surface soil while the nutrients in lower profile was low. While these elements were of net gain in the system over control, potassium, calqum, phosphorus and magnesium were on net loss. Over a period of fourteen years, guinea grass legume mixture gained NPK over other grass treatments. The input-output balance for the control plot (without grass) was negative for all the nutrients studied except phosphorus and potassium.enEffect of long term coconut-grass system on certain nutrients in the soilArticle