Ravi BhatReddy, V.M.Khader, K.B.A.2014-05-242014-05-242007-02-08J.Plantn.Crops 1999 v-27 i-1 p-22-26http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/1714The studies on areca based high density multi species cropping system (HDMSCS) were conducted at Central Plantation Crops Research Institute, Regional Station, Vittal for 10 years from 1983-84 to 1992-93.The results revealed that in a HDMSCS, intercropping did not affect the arecanut yield negatively. Banana is economical in the initial years. Pepper is good inter-crop during the early years and needs replanting after 5 to 6 years in disease prone areas. Cocoa grows well with areca and gives good returns.enarecanuthigh density multispecies cropping systemcoastal KarnatakaAreca based high density multispecies cropping system in coastal KarnatakaArticle