Thomas Varghese, P.Nelliat, E.V.Balakrishnan, T.K.2014-05-262014-05-262007-02-08In: Proceedings, PLACROSYM I, RRII, Kottayam, 20-23 Mar. 1978. Edited by E. V. Nelliat and others 1979 p-383-392 study on the amount of cacao litter added to the soil in a coconut-cacao crop mix was conducted at the Central Plantation Crops Research Institute, Kasaragod. Shed leaves collected at fortnightly intervals for a one year period amounted to 818 and 1785 kg/ha/year (oven dry) under single and double hedge systems of planting, respectively. The organic carbon content and the soil fertility improved considerably under the crop mix, and was reflected in the enhanced yield of coconut. Soil temperature at 30 and 60 cm depths was 3 to 6°C lower and the variation in the mean monthly soil temperature was least in the mixed cropping system compared to the monoculture of coconut. The yield increase noticed in coconut when cacao was grown as mixed crop is discussed.encoconut-cocoa mixed croppingbeneficial effectsBeneficial interactions of coconut-cacao crop combinationArticle