Sampath Kumar, S.N.Nambiar, K.K.N.2014-06-192014-06-192007-02J.Plantn.Crops 1990 v-18 i-1 p-14-18 rot or Anabe disease caused by Ganoderma spp. is widespread in arecanut plantations in Karnataka causing often serious damage. Annual loss of 4.71% palms has been estimated due to this disease. The fungus could be isolated from freshly affected stem piece/sporophotes using Waksmans agar medium. Sporophore or bracket formation was noticed when the cultures grown on sand-maize medium were kept for more than 2.5 to 3 months. Disease symptoms appeared within 8-9 months from the time of inoculation in healthy arecanut palms. The fungus could be reisolated from the affected portions, thus proving pathogenicity of Ganoderma on arecanut. Disease spread is through root-to-root contact and is more in irregularly planted or closely spaced arecanut gardens as compared to wider spaced gardens. It is necessary to isolate the diseased palm by digging trenches around. Field trials have indicated that drenching the base of the palm with Captan/Bavistin at 0.3% concentration was effective in preventing the spread of the disease to the neighbouring palms.enGanoderma disease of arecanut palm-isolation, pathogenicity and controlArticle