Perera, P.I.P.Verdeil, J.L.Hocher, V.Perera, L.Yakandawala, D.M.D.Weerakoon, L.K.2014-04-252014-04-252008Plant Cell Rep (2008) 27:1697–1703 culture was used to obtain dihaploid (DH) coconut plants and their ploidy level was determined by flow cytometric analysis. Simple sequence repeat (SSR) marker analysis was conducted to identify the homozygous diploid individuals. Ploidy analysis showed that 50% of the tested plantlets were haploid and 50% were diploid. Polymorphic fragments of the mother palm and their segregation patterns in anther-derived plantlets were used to determine the origin of the diploid plantlets. Using a diagnostic SSR marker (CNZ43), all the diploid plantlets tested were identified as being derived from microspores (i.e. were homozygous) and were thus candidates for use in coconut breeding programsencoconutAndrogenesisDihaploidFlow cytometrySSR markerUse of SSR markers to determine the anther-derived homozygous lines in coconutArticle