Ninan, C.A.Pillai, R.V.Josy Joseph2014-05-292014-05-291960-09Reprint from the Indian Coconut Journal,Vol. XIII, No. 4, July-September, 1960, Page 129-134 numbers in Cocos australis Mart. (n = 15) and C. nucifera L. varieties spicata (n= 16) and andzogena (n=16) are reported for the first time. The -haploid number n= 15 in C. australis is a new number f&r the genus as also for the family Palmae and is believed to be an aneuploid, derivative of n=L6. Though the tribe Cocoineae of Palmae has been regarded as an instance of homogeneity in evolution, the present observation of n = 15 in C, austratis shows that numerical alterations of chromosomes have also played a role in evolution within the tribe.enCytogenetic studies in the Genus Cocos- I. Chromosome number in C. austral is and C. nucifera L. vars. spicata and androgenaArticle