Harishu Kumar, P.2014-07-082014-07-082007-02Indian Cashew J. 1982 v-14 i-3 p-13-17http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/3879Phosphorus, potassium, calcium and sodium contents of petioles are significantly higher as compared to leaf contents. Bark is found to contribute major portion of calcium and phosphorus to the main pool. An equilibrium is found to hold good among K-Ca - Na in the leaves of flowering and non-flowering shoots. A reduction in the ratios of K/p, Ca/N and Ca/p was observed from July to November in the leaves and petioles. Non-flowering shoot petioles recorded higher ratios of K/p, Ca/N and. Ca/p when compared to flowering shoots.enNutrient distribution in cashewArticle