Mathen, K.Radhakrishnan Nair, C.P.Gunasekharan, M.Govindankutty, M.P.Solomon, J.J.2014-08-112014-08-111988Proc.Indian Acad.Sci.(Anim.Sci.) 1988 V-97 i-6 P-539-544 lace bug Stephanitis typica feeds on coconut leaflet from its abaxial side. It inserts its stylet through stomata and sucks the contents of the coconut foliage. Besides this intracellular feeding, the stylet also ruptures the walls of the cells traversed in its course to reach the vascular bundles. The stylet tip in such cases terminates in phloem, thereby suggesting the ability of the bug to acquire the phloem-bound mycoplasma-like organisms, constantly associated with coconut root (wilt) disease in India.enLace bugStephanitis typicastylet coursevectormycoplasma-like organismscoconut root (wilt) diseaseStylet course of lace bug Stephanitis typica (Distant) in coconut leafArticle